Marlene zuk animal models and gender reading
Marlene zuk animal models and gender reading

Marlene Zuk, a respected biologist and a feminist, gives an eye-opening tour of some of the latest developments in our knowledge of animal sexuality and evolutionary biology. Does this mean that human homosexuality is natural? This highly provocative book clearly shows that these are the wrong kinds of questions to ask about animal behavior. Does this information spell doom for traditional marriages? And bonobo apes take part in female-female sexual encounters.

marlene zuk animal models and gender reading

Is this heartening news for today's stay-at-home dads? Recent studies show that many female birds once thought to be monogamous actually have chicks that are fathered outside the primary breeding pair. We now know that male marmosets help take care of their offspring. Scientific discoveries about the animal kingdom fuel ideological battles on many fronts, especially battles about sex and gender.

Marlene zuk animal models and gender reading